Rabu, 22 Disember 2010


hohohohoho......akhirnya dapat gax aq tiket final piala AFF...yeaaahhh.....malaysia cayok3x......jgn sia2kn 30 inggt aq nih....owg yg ke 8 beli tiket dr 75k waaa.......bnggenye owg nih...hehehe

Sabtu, 4 Disember 2010


tomorrow is the day that I will be checked in at hospital ampang putry oh nooo,isnin nanty lak aq nk kne bedah...uuuaaaa mcty saket....tpkn thankz 4 my friend,thankz alot99 4 doakn aq.....kekadang aty aq tnang gile,kekadang bedeba gile,kekadang seronok gile,x taw nape........maybe b'cz SHE my beloved sweet heart,...waa jiweng2 laq aq,......Allah mcty saket kidney aq niy...huuhuhuhuhuhu....xmo2 sdey2 kang my sweet heart dga,,..........aiyooo..isaunye aq nan die..:(
owg laen semua suwo aq isau diri aq tp aq lbey isau si die,....hmmm ape la die bwat skarang niy yer...hope she alwayz fine

Khamis, 2 Disember 2010


ape la khabar die skrang niy ye.....hmm kali t'akhir aq dga khabar die mlalui owg laen,katenye die masam je,muke pucat,alaaaaaa isaunye aq,plzzzz don't this to me,Allah ujian mu terhadap ku sungguh berat,arap2 dapat la aq cari jalan pnyelesaian yg laen dari yg ini........:(   hmm ape lg yg ptot aq bwat.......


blog aq baru create x taw nk tulis ape,just want to say hellow.........bhahaha.....t'ingat pristiwe smlm aq bg taw seseowg yg aq syg psal ksihatan aq....perrgghhh......die nanges..:(   what should I do???......arrghh I'm cruel.taw aq x bg taw die psal my condition.......ksian die